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Geometrically nonlinear thermo-mechanical bending analysis of deep cylindrical composite panels reinforced by functionally graded CNTs  

Salami, Sattar Jedari (Department of Biomedical Engineering, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University)
Boroujerdy, Mostafa Sabzikar (Department of Engineering, Firoozkooh Branch, Islamic Azad University)
Bazzaz, Ehsan (Department of Mechanical Engineering, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University)
Publication Information
Advances in nano research / v.10, no.4, 2021 , pp. 385-395 More about this Journal
This research concentrates on the effects of distributions and volume fractions of carbon nanotubes (CNT) on the nonlinear bending behavior of deep cylindrical panels reinforced by functionally graded carbon nanotubes under thermo-mechanical loading, hitherto not reported in the literature. Assuming the effects of shear deformation and moderately high value of the radius-to-side ratio (R/a), based on the first-order shear deformation theory (FSDT) and von Karman type of geometric nonlinearity, the governing system of equations is obtained. The analytical solution of field equations is carried out using the Ritz method together with the Newton-Raphson iterative scheme. The effects of radius-to-side ratio, temperature change, and boundary conditions on the nonlinear response of the functionally graded carbon nanotubes reinforced composite deep cylindrical panel (FG-CNTRC) are investigated. It is concluded that, among the five possible distribution patterns of CNT, FG-V CNTRC deep cylindrical panel is strongest with the highest bending moment and followed by UD, X, O, and Ʌ-ones. Also, considering the present deep cylindrical panel formulation increases the accuracy of the results. Hence, according to the noticeable amount of R/a in FG-CNTRC cylindrical panels, it is mandatory to apply strain-displacement relations of deep cylindrical panels for bending analysis of FG-CNTRC which certainly is desirable for industrial application.
deep cylindrical panel; mechanical and thermal loading; functionally graded carbon nanotube composites;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 2  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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