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Porosity-dependent asymmetric thermal buckling of inhomogeneous annular nanoplates resting on elastic substrate  

Salari, Erfan (Mechanical Engineering Department, Amirkabir University of Technology)
Ashoori, Alireza (Mechanical Engineering Department, Amirkabir University of Technology)
Vanini, Seyed Ali Sadough (Mechanical Engineering Department, Amirkabir University of Technology)
Publication Information
Advances in nano research / v.7, no.1, 2019 , pp. 25-38 More about this Journal
This research is aimed at studying the asymmetric thermal buckling of porous functionally graded (FG) annular nanoplates resting on an elastic substrate which are made of two different sets of porous distribution, based on nonlocal elasticity theory. Porosity-dependent properties of inhomogeneous nanoplates are supposed to vary through the thickness direction and are defined via a modified power law function in which the porosities with even and uneven type are approximated. In this model, three types of thermal loading, i.e., uniform temperature rise, linear temperature distribution and heat conduction across the thickness direction are considered. Based on Hamilton's principle and the adjacent equilibrium criterion, the stability equations of nanoporous annular plates on elastic substrate are obtained. Afterwards, an analytical solution procedure is established to achieve the critical buckling temperatures of annular nanoplates with porosities under different loading conditions. Detailed numerical studies are performed to demonstrate the influences of the porosity volume fraction, various thermal loading, material gradation, nonlocal parameter for higher modes, elastic substrate coefficients and geometrical dimensions on the critical buckling temperatures of a nanoporous annular plate. Also, it is discussed that because of present of thermal moment at the boundary conditions, porous nanoplate with simply supported boundary condition doesn't buckle.
nanoporous annular nanoplates; asymmetric buckling; thermal loading; analytical solution; nonlocal theory;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 4  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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