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Nonlocal-strain gradient forced vibration analysis of metal foam nanoplates with uniform and graded porosities  

Barati, Mohammad Reza (Aerospace Engineering Department & Center of Excellence in Computational Aerospace, Amirkabir University of Technology)
Publication Information
Advances in nano research / v.5, no.4, 2017 , pp. 393-414 More about this Journal
Forced vibration behavior of porous metal foam nanoplates on elastic medium is studied via a 4-variable plate theory. Different porosity distributions called uniform, symmetric and asymmetric are considered. Nonlocal strain gradient theory (NSGT) containing two scale parameters is employed for size-dependent modeling of porous nanoplates. The present plate theory satisfies the shear deformation effect and it has lower field variables compared with first order plate theory. Hamilton's principle is employed to derive the governing equations. Obtained results from Galerkin's method are verified with those provided in the literature. The effects of nonlocal parameter, strain gradient, foundation parameters, dynamic loading, porosity distributions and porosity coefficient on dynamic deflection and resonance frequencies of metal foam nanoscale plates are examined.
forced vibration; 4-unkonwn plate theory; porous nanoplate; nonlocal elasticity; porosities;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 11  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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