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Photocatalytic study of Zinc Oxide with bismuth doping prepared by spray pyrolysis  

Lin, Tzu-Yang (Department of Electrical Engineering, National University of Kaohsiung)
Hsu, Yu-Ting (Department of Electrophysics, National Chiao Tung University)
Lan, Wen-How (Department of Electrical Engineering, National University of Kaohsiung)
Huang, Chien-Jung (Department of Applied Physics, National University of Kaohsiung)
Chen, Lung-Chien (Department of Electro-Optical Engineering, National Taipei University of Technology)
Huang, Yu-Hsuan (Department of Electrical Engineering, National University of Kaohsiung)
Lin, Jia-Ching (Materials and Electro-Optics Research Division, National Chung-Shan Institute of Science and Technology)
Chang, Kuo-Jen (Materials and Electro-Optics Research Division, National Chung-Shan Institute of Science and Technology)
Lin, Wen-Jen (Materials and Electro-Optics Research Division, National Chung-Shan Institute of Science and Technology)
Huang, Kai-Feng (Department of Electrophysics, National Chiao Tung University)
Publication Information
Advances in nano research / v.3, no.3, 2015 , pp. 123-131 More about this Journal
The unintentionally doped and bismuth (Bi) doped zinc oxide (ZnO) films were prepared by spray pyrolysis at $450^{\circ}C$ with zinc acetate and bismuth nitrate precursor. The n-type conduction with concentration $6.13{\times}10^{16}cm^{-3}$ can be observed for the unintentionally doped ZnO. With the increasing of bismuth nitrate concentration in precursor, the p-type conduction can be observed. The p-type concentration $4.44{\times}10^{17}cm^{-3}$ can be achieved for the film with the Bi/Zn atomic ratio 5% in the precursor. The photoluminescence spectroscopy with HeCd laser light source was studied for films with different Bi doping. The photocatalytic activity for the unintentionally doped and Bi-doped ZnO films was studied through the photodegradation of Congo red under UV light illumination. The effects of different Bi contents on photocatalytic activity are studied and discussed. Results show that appropriate Bi doping in ZnO can increase photocatalytic activity.
zinc oxide; bismuth doping; photocatalytic; spray pyrolysis;
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