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Non-stationary mixed problem of elasticity for a semi-strip  

Reut, Viktor (Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informational Technologies, Odessa I.I. Mechnikov National University)
Vaysfeld, Natalya (Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informational Technologies, Odessa I.I. Mechnikov National University)
Zhuravlova, Zinaida (Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informational Technologies, Odessa I.I. Mechnikov National University)
Publication Information
Coupled systems mechanics / v.9, no.1, 2020 , pp. 77-89 More about this Journal
This study is dedicated to the dynamic elasticity problem for a semi-strip. The semi-strip is loaded by the dynamic load at the center of its short edge. The conditions of fixing are given on the lateral sides of the semi-strip. The initial problem is reduced to one-dimensional problem with the help of Laplace's and Fourier's integral transforms. The one-dimensional boundary problem is formulated as the vector boundary problem in the transform's domain. Its solution is constructed as the superposition of the general solution for the homogeneous vector equation and the partial solution for the inhomogeneous vector equation. The matrix differential calculation is used for the deriving of the general solution. The partial solution is constructed with the help of Green's matrix-function, which is searched as the bilinear expansion. The case of steady-state oscillations is considered. The problem is reduced to the solving of the singular integral equation. The orthogonalization method is applied for the calculations. The stress state of the semi-strip is investigated for the different values of the frequency.
semi-strip; dynamic problem; steady-state oscillation; singular integral equation; Green matrix-function;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 6  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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