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Comparative assessment of surface and ground water quality using geoinformatics  

Giridhar, M.V.S.S. (Centre for Water Resources, Institute of Science and Technology, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Hyderabad (JNTUH))
Mohan, Shyama (Centre for Water Resources, Institute of Science and Technology, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Hyderabad (JNTUH))
Kumar, D. Ajay (Centre for Water Resources, Institute of Science and Technology, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Hyderabad (JNTUH))
Publication Information
Advances in environmental research / v.9, no.3, 2020 , pp. 151-160 More about this Journal
Water quality demonstrates physical, chemical and biological characteristics of water. The quality of surface and groundwater is currently an important concern with population growth and industrialization. Over exploitation of water resources due to demand is causing the deterioration of surface water and ground water. Periodic water quality testing must be carried out to protect our water resources. The present research analyses the spatial variation of surface water and groundwater in and around the lakes of Hyderabad. Twenty-Seven lakes and their neighboring bore water samples are obtained for water quality monitoring. Samples are evaluated for specific physico-chemical parameters such as pH, Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), Cl, SO4, Na, K, Ca, Mg, and Total Hardness (TH). The spatial variation of water quality parameters for the 27 lakes and groundwater were analysed. Correlation and multiple regression analysis were carried out to determine comparative study of lake and ground water. The study found that most of the lakes were polluted and this had an impact on surrounding ground water.
water quality; physico-chemical parameters; surface water; ground water; urbanization;
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