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Improving support performances of cone bolts by a new grout additive and energy absorber  

Komurlu, Eren (Department of Civil Engineering, Giresun University)
Publication Information
Advances in materials Research / v.11, no.3, 2022 , pp. 237-250 More about this Journal
The cone bolts with expanded front ends supply improved anchoring performances and increase energy absorbing capacities due to ploughing in the grouted drills. Within this study, use of a novel energy absorber for the cone bolt heads were investigated to assess its design in terms of supplying high support performances. Additionally, different grout material designs were tested to investigate whether the energy absorption capacities of the rock bolts can be improved using a silicone based thermoset polymer (STP) additive. To determine load bearing and energy absorption capacities, a series of deformation controlled pull-out tests were carried out by using bolt samples grouted in rock blocks. According to the results obtained from this study, maximum load bearing capacities of cone bolts are similar and mostly depend on the steel material strength, whereas the energy absorption capacity was determined to significantly vary in accordance with the displacement limits of the shanks. As a result of using STP additive and new polyamide absorber rings, displacement limits without the steel failure increase. The STP additive was found to improve the energy absorption capacities of grouted cone bolts. The absorber rings designed within this study were also assessed to be highly effective and able to double up the energy absorption capacities of the cone bolts.
cone bolts; energy absorption capacity; grouted rock bolts; support performances;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 3  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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