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Development of Wireless IoT Sensors for Individual Photovoltaic Module Monitoring  

Park, Jongsung (Department of Energy Engineering, Gyeongsang National University)
Kim, Changheon (Solar Energy R&D Dept., Green Energy Institute)
Lee, Jiwon (Solar Energy R&D Dept., Green Energy Institute)
Kim, Jihyun (Solar Energy R&D Dept., Green Energy Institute)
Yoo, Sanghyuk (Powercons, Ltd.)
Yang, Bum Seung (Powercons, Ltd.)
Publication Information
Current Photovoltaic Research / v.9, no.3, 2021 , pp. 106-109 More about this Journal
In order to perform photovoltaic (PV) operation and management (O&M) efficiently, individual PV module monitoring is becoming more important. In this research, we developed wireless IoT sensor which can monitor individual photovoltaic modules. This IoT sensor can detect the output voltage, current and module temperature of individual modules and provide monitored data by wireless communication. Measured voltage error was 1.23%, and it shows 16.6 dBM, 0.42sec and 7.1 mA for voltage, transmittance output, response time and mean power consumption, respectively. IoT sensors were demonstrated in the test field with real climate environment condition and each of 5 sensors showed precise results of voltage, current and temperature. Also, sensors were compared with commercial power-optimizers and showed result difference within 5%.
IoT; Sensor; PV module; monitoring; Wireless;
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