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The Health Hazard of Geomagnetic Field in Dwellings  

Han, Jong-Koo (청운대학교 건축공학과)
Park, Tong-So (한서대학교 건축공학과)
Publication Information
KIEAE Journal / v.5, no.1, 2005 , pp. 43-49 More about this Journal
People grow up and build up most of their character through living in dwelling space and have relax and refresh at home. Creating healthy dwelling space is being considered very important in architectural planning and design for providing comfortable living environment and improving quality of life. One of the properties of the earth is that the earth has a magnetic field associated with it- the Geomagnetic field. The geomagnetic field is produced by a combination of crustal rocks, external electric current systems that surround the earth that surround the earth and currents induced in the outer layers of the earth by magnetic field variations. Human beings have evolved with the background of magnetic field, they are accustomed to living in its presence. Geopathic stress occurs at geopathic zones where the geomagnetic field is disturbed. Geopathic zones exhibit magnetic charges. Geopathic zones are characterized by variations in geomagnetism, for the geomagnetic field is not uniform but exhibits many highly localized distortions, some random, some fairly regular. These occur in geological faults, caves and underground water channel. Many research papers and experiments of the western countries indicates that the geomagnetic field affects the people and living organism in dwellings. Therefore, it is necessary to investigate the geomagnetic field and people's response in living space. In this study the Health Hazard of geomagneic field in dwelling are studied through literature survey of related science field.
Health Hazard; Geomagnetic Field; Residence; Dwellings;
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  • Reference
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