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A study on the Counseling Process and Counseling Techniques Applying Freud's Psychoanalysis  

Lee, Pyung-Hwa (Department of Social Welfare and Counseling, Sehan University)
Kim, Bo-Ki (Korea Society for Counseling and Social Welfare)
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Industry Promotion Research / v.7, no.2, 2022 , pp. 51-58 More about this Journal
This study is based on Freud's psychoanalysis and intends to deal with the actual psychoanalytic counseling applied to it. In particular, I would like to study the counseling process and counseling techniques. The research results are as follows. The counseling process goes through four stages: initiation, transfer development, training, and transfer resolution as follows after selecting a client and constructing a counseling situation. In the beginning phase, the client listens to important past histories. In the metastasis development stage, it is from the time when metastasis appears. The training phase is the phase in which the client's insight is translated into real life to bring about change. The transfer resolution stage is the period when transfer analysis and interpretation are completed. Counseling techniques include free association, empathy, resistance, transference and countertransference, and interpretation. Free association is a key technique in psychoanalytic therapy and plays an important role in maintaining the analytical framework. Empathy is the ability of the therapist to identify herself with the client and the ability of the therapist to convey the empathic experience to the client itself is a key mechanism for change. Resistance refers to any behavior in which the client does not cooperate with counseling. Transference and countertransference are the main techniques of psychoanalysis. This is because the psychoanalyst induces and resolves the transference of the client during the treatment process. Interpretation refers to the technique of responding verbally in order to understand the needs, meanings, and motives hidden behind the client's thoughts, feelings, and actions. In conclusion, the counseling process of psychoanalytic counseling refers to the purpose of effective counseling by selecting a client and constructing a counseling situation. In addition, the principles of psychoanalysis in counseling techniques are applied to treatment procedures that vary according to the nature of the case, and can be variably applied while treating the same client.
Fred; psychoanalysis; The counseling process; Counseling techniques; client;
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