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A Study on the Effect of Corporate ESG Activities on Business Performance : Focusing on the Moderating Effect of Corporate Values Perception  

Jung, Jin-Ho (The Values Co., Ltd)
Park, Hyeon-Suk (Dept. of Convergence Industry, Seoul Venture University)
Publication Information
Industry Promotion Research / v.7, no.2, 2022 , pp. 15-29 More about this Journal
This study attempted to investigate how corporate ESG practice affects management performance. To this end, the effect of environmental responsibility activities, social responsibility activities, and governance activities in terms of environment (E), social (S), and governance (G), which are the three elements of ESG, on management performance, mediating organizational effectiveness, and controlling corporate value perception, were empirically analyzed. The analysis results are as follows. First, environmental responsibility activities, social responsibility activities, and governance activities all had a positive (+) effect on management performance. Second, environmental responsibility activities, social responsibility activities, and governance activities all had a positive (+) effect on organizational effectiveness. Third, it was found that organizational effectiveness plays a partial mediating role between environmental responsibility activities, social responsibility activities, governance activities, and management performance. Fourth, it was found that corporate value perception has a moderating effect on environmental responsibility activities and governance activities, excluding social responsibility activities. Therefore, strengthening ESG practice will not only be essential for investment, but also help improve management performance. In addition, the results of this study suggest that ESG education for members should be strengthened to promote ESG practice, and it is necessary to re-establish management strategies so that corporate values reflect ESG.
ESG; Organizational Effectiveness; Management Performance; Strategy; Corporate Values Perception;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 3  (Citation Analysis)
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