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A Study on the Influence of the Organizational Culture of Korean Network Marketing Companies on Customer Orientation and Service Orientation  

Kim, Moon-Jun (KNU Corporate Management Research Center, Kongju National University)
Publication Information
Industry Promotion Research / v.5, no.4, 2020 , pp. 29-37 More about this Journal
The purpose of this study was to confirm the influence of the types of organizational culture perceived by members of Korean network companies on customer orientation and service orientation. Therefore, the results of the valid survey for the final 165 among the results of 204 applicants for about two weeks from September 7th to 25th, 2020 using the SSP 24.0 and AMOS 24.0 statistical package programs showed the following results. First, as a result of the analysis of the impact of organizational culture on customer orientation, the sub-factors of the organizational culture, such as relationship-oriented culture, innovation-oriented culture, hierarchical-oriented culture, and task-oriented culture types, all had a positive (+) effect on customer-oriented. It was analyzed as crazy. In other words, it can be seen that the organizational culture has a statistically significant impact on customer orientation in that it gives positive meaning through a comprehensive operation rather than a single substructure. Second, as a result of analyzing the effect of organizational culture on service orientation, organizational culture showed positive (+) influence on service orientation. In other words, it was analyzed that relational orientation, innovation orientation, hierarchical orientation, and task orientation, which are sub-constituent factors of organizational culture, act as positive factors for service orientation.
Organizational culture; Network marketing; Activation of organizational culture; Value provision; Positive (+) influence;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 2  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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