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A study on the Activation Plan of Social Economic Organization in Chungnam Area  

Kim, Jin-Kyoung (KNU Corporate Management Research Center, Kongju National University)
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Industry Promotion Research / v.5, no.2, 2020 , pp. 19-25 More about this Journal
This study is a study on how to revitalize social and economic organizations in the Chungnam region. For this, the following major results were presented in literature studies based on prior studies. First, it is necessary to upgrade the social economic organization promotion system and system in Chungnam. Second, there is a need to advance the measures to revitalize various social and economic organizations in cities and counties by building an integrated support system for social and economic organizations. Third, it is necessary to expand the public purchase of products of social economic organizations. Fourth, it is necessary to strengthen the business competency of the social economy organization and promote education. Fifth, it is necessary to upgrade the network for social economic organizations and create differentiated businesses. On the other hand, the social economic organization in Chungnam region shown through this study is as follows. First, social and economic organizations should share their willingness to implement policies in the provincial and provincial areas of Chungnam Province and cities and counties in terms of solving and improving various problems in the region. Based on this, it is required to upgrade the social and economic organization area. Second, the Chungnam region needs a shift in awareness that it is a social and economic organization that is a key factor in overcoming changes in the demographic structure due to industrial weakness and aging. Third, a positive shift in awareness is required by shifting awareness and strengthening education on social and economic organizations. To this end, it is necessary to raise the awareness level of local residents through public education and joint public-private education.
Social Economy; Advancement; Organization; Activation; Implementation;
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  • Reference
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