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The Effect of Adult's Name Attractiveness on Self-efficiency and Emotionality  

Kim, Ki-Seung (Dept. of Oriental Study, University of Brain Education)
Ham, Hae-Soo (Dept. of Oriental Study, University of Brain Education)
Na, Hyeok-Jin (Dept. of Oriental Study, University of Brain Education)
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Industry Promotion Research / v.5, no.1, 2020 , pp. 99-106 More about this Journal
The purpose of this study was to analyze the effects of name attractiveness on self-efficacy and emotional awareness in adult men and women. The subjects of this study were 300 males and females in their 10s and 30s living in the metropolitan area. However, 250 copies, excluding missing questionnaires during the collection process and incomplete questionnaires, were used for the analysis. As a result of analyzing the difference in name attractiveness according to factors, the lower the age group and the lower the academic level, the more dissatisfied they were with their names. Besides, the regression analysis conducted to verify the effect of name attractiveness on self-efficacy showed that the model's fitness was R2=.382 and the model's explanatory power was somewhat inferior, but β=.322, t-value 9.276, p<.001 were shown to be statistically significant, so name attraction directly affects self-efficacy. And the results of the regression analysis conducted to verify the effect of name attractiveness on emotionality turned out to be R2=.412. The regression analysis, which controls demographic variables such as gender, age, and academic level, was statistically significant as β=.326, t-value 6.408, p<.001. In other words, the name attractiveness affects emotional awareness. There is no empirical study that the name attractiveness can improve happiness or the quality of life, but it seems often among athletes that names are enhanced by the past.
Name; Adult; Attractiveness; Self-efficacy; Emotionality;
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