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The influence of the head of department leadership on the performance of department head  

Kang, Byong-Seop (Kongju National University)
Yu, dong-yun (Kongju National University)
Lim, Sang-Ho (Kongju National University)
Publication Information
Industry Promotion Research / v.2, no.1, 2017 , pp. 57-62 More about this Journal
This study analyzed the effect of department leadership 's leadership on department performance. The questionnaires were distributed from September 22, 2013 to October 13, 2013 to Daejeon and Chungnam area workers. The results of this study are as follows: First, the leadership of department head has a significant effect on the performance of department. (P <.001, ${\beta}=.613$), and task efficiency was statistically significant (p <.01, p = .270) The results of this study are as follows. Second, the communication ability of department heads showed a significant correlation between the department work efficiency and p <.01 significance level. In other words, it was confirmed that there was a positive correlation between department manager's communication ability and initiative' s achievement. The purpose of this study is to identify the importance of individual, organizational, and environmental factors by analyzing the influence of department leadership's leadership on departmental performance, and to investigate the differences according to individual characteristics of workers.
Head of department; leadership; organizational performance; communication ability;
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  • Reference
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