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An Exploratory Study on Package Design Strategy for Activating Energy Drink Market  

Lee, Ho-Se (Kongju National University)
Publication Information
Industry Promotion Research / v.2, no.1, 2017 , pp. 31-38 More about this Journal
This study is an exploratory study on the package design research strategy for the activation of the energy drink market. We analyzed the case study of energy drinks and the preference of energy beverage package design which are being sold in Korea and overseas from Oct. 24 to 28, 2016. The results of this study are as follows: First, preference is given to two colors, blue and red, regarding the color of package design of energy drinks. In particular, blue was the most preferred at 62.8%, and the reason for choosing color was the image that reminds me of energy drinks, and it was highly visible. Second, most preference of energy drinks for packaging material was selected from can and glass materials, and most preferred for can. Third, preference for calligraphy was found to be due to the dynamic images of energy drink preferring rough images. Fourth, package design awareness focused on overall image rather than one factor. The limitations of the study are the research subjects only to university students in Daejeon and Chungnam area. In the future, it will be necessary to classify the overall elements of package design and various research subjects, and to study the major consumption and consumption areas of energy drinks. In this study, it is implied that the design of the package needs a package design strategy in accordance with the overall product image, rather than focusing on one factor.
Energy drinks; package design; market activation; beverage preference; beverage packaging;
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  • Reference
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