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The Effect of QR Information Service on Medical Service Loyalty  

Kim, Mi Ra (조선대학교 일반대학원 의료관광경영)
Hwang, Yoon Yong (조선대학교 경상대학 경영학부)
Publication Information
Journal of Korea Society of Industrial Information Systems / v.27, no.5, 2022 , pp. 119-128 More about this Journal
This study investigated the influence relationship of information service using QR code on customer's service quality perception and loyalty behavior for medical service in the physical environment. As a result of the study, when medical institutions provide location information services about the physical environment by utilizing the usefulness and reliability of QR codes, the perceived quality of customers' QR information will be strengthened, and furthermore, loyalty behavior toward medical services will increase in the future. Considering the spread of smartphones as a popular digital medium today, marketers use QR codes to connect and provide four-dimensional information services without time and place restrictions, thereby strengthening the interactive experience with customers. And these efforts suggest that it can contribute to improving service image and strengthening loyalty beyond simply providing service information to companies.
QR Information Service; Physical Environment; Perceived Quality; Medical Service Loyalty;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 2  (Citation Analysis)
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