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Influence of the Auxiliary Questions of Word Problems on the Problem Solving and Mathematical Thinking of Elementary School Students  

Yim, Youngbin (Incheon Sinchon Elementary School)
Publication Information
Education of Primary School Mathematics / v.23, no.2, 2020 , pp. 73-85 More about this Journal
The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of the auxiliary questions of word problems presented to students on their problem solving-strategies and mathematical thinking and to discuss the educational implications of the results. As a result of making an analysis, problems that included auxiliary questions to give information on workable problem-solving strategies made it more possible for students of different levels to do relatively equal mathematical thinking than problems that didn't by inducing them to adopt efficient problem-solving strategies. And they were helpful for the students in the middle and lower tiers to find a clue for problem solving without giving up. But it's unclear whether the problems that provided possible strategies through the auxiliary questions stirred up the analogical thinking of the students. In addition, due to the impact of the problems provided, some students failed to adopt a strategy that they could have come up with on their own. On the contrary, when the students solved word problems that just offered basic recommendation by minimizing auxiliary questions, the upper-tiered students could devise various strategies, but in the case of the students in the middle and lower tiers, those who gave up easily or who couldn't find an answer were relatively larger in number.
word problem; auxiliary question; problem-solving strategy; mathematical thinking;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 2  (Citation Analysis)
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