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Statistical Literacy of Fifth and Sixth Graders in Elementary School about the Beginning Inference from a Pictograph Task  

Moon, Eunhye (Graduate School of Korea National University of Education)
Lee, Kwangho (Korea National University of Education)
Publication Information
Education of Primary School Mathematics / v.22, no.3, 2019 , pp. 149-166 More about this Journal
The purpose of this study is to analyze the statistical literacy in elementary school students when they beginning inference. Picto-graphs provide statistical information and often data-related arguments they certainly qualify as objects for interpretation, for critical evaluation, and for discussion or communication of the conclusions presented. For research, the inference from pictograph task was designed and statistical literacy standards for evaluating the student's level was presented based on prior studies. Evaluating student's statistical literacy is meaningful in that it can check their current level. To know the student's current level can help them achieve a higher level of performance. The outcomes of this research indicate that pictograph can provide a basis for rich tasks displaying not only student's counting skills but also their appreciation of variation and uncertainty in prediction. Raising statistical thinking by students is an important goal in statistical education, and the experience of informal statistical reasoning can help with formal statistical reasoning that will be learned later. Therefore, the task about the inference from a pictograph, discussions on statistical learning of elementary school children are expected to present meaningful implications for statistical education.
Statistical literacy; Statistical Inference; Pictograph; Beginning Inference Task from a pictograph;
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Times Cited By KSCI : 1  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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