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The Effects of Visual Representations on Learning Proportional Expressions and Distributions  

Son, Kyunghoon (Bangok Elementary School)
Publication Information
Education of Primary School Mathematics / v.21, no.4, 2018 , pp. 445-459 More about this Journal
The purpose of this study is to provide a method to help elementary school students learn ratio-related concepts effectively through visual representations. This study was conducted to identify the differences in the composition of ratio-related concepts between Korean and Singaporean textbooks, reconstruct a unit of proportional expressions and distributions by using visual representations and confirm the differences in performance between an experimental and a comparison group of 6th grade students. While the experimental group mathematics lessons is from the reconstructed textbook, the comparison group lessons is from an existing textbook that does not include any reconstructive representations. A t-test of mean was applied to determine the differences between the experimental and comparison group. Analysis revealed significant differences in the mean between the experimental group and the comparison group, and the intermediate level group showed more improvement compared to the higher and lower level groups. An implication of this study is that the application of visual representations can assist students' understanding of ratio-related concepts.
Visual Representation; Ratio-Related Concepts; Ratio; Rate; Proportion; Proportional Expression; Proportional Distribution; Textbook Unit Development;
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