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The Effect Of Teachers' Reflection For Mathematics Classroom Instruction - Focused on the cognitive demands of mathematical tasks -  

Lee, Eun Young (Seoul Naebalsan Elementary School)
Lee, Kwangho (Korea National University of Education)
Publication Information
Education of Primary School Mathematics / v.18, no.2, 2015 , pp. 155-173 More about this Journal
The purpose of this study is to offer the implication for elementary school mathematics teaching by analyzing teachers' reflection on the cognitive demands of mathematical tasks they give in class. During the setup phase and the implementation phase in math class, the researchers analyzed the change of cognitive demands on mathematical tasks and the factors which had influence on such changes. After teachers' reflection on teaching, the researchers analyzed the change of cognitive demands on mathematical tasks and the factors which had influence on such changes in math classes. As a result, before teachers' reflection on the cognitive demands of mathematical tasks, the higher-level demands of mathematical tasks had a tendency to decline. However, after teachers' reflection on the cognitive demands of mathematical tasks, higher-level demands of mathematical tasks were maintained.
cognitive demand; mathematical task; Teachers' reflection for classroom instruction;
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