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The 6th Graders' Graph Interpretation and its Teaching Methods  

Jo, Ah (The Graduate School of Korea National University of Education)
Lee, Kwang-Ho (Korea National University of Education)
Choi, Sung Taek (The Graduate School of Korea National University of Education)
Publication Information
Education of Primary School Mathematics / v.17, no.2, 2014 , pp. 113-125 More about this Journal
The purpose of the study is to examine how the 6th graders interpret graphs, and on basis of the research, to seek for guidance on ways to improve their analysis capabilities. All the students from two classes of D elementary school in Busan became the target to examine how to interpret graphs. On the basis of the result, 6 students who characterized by graph interpretation got an in-depth interview and the outcome was analyzed in detail. The students are able to understand both quantitative and qualitative meaning of graphs and they learned practicality while they think of graphs connecting with real life, most of all they have been interested in interpreting the meaning of graphs.
Graph; Graph interpretation; Quantitative interpretation; Qualitative interpretation;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 4  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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