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Comparison of Perception Differences about Stereotype of a Mathematician between the Mathematically Gifted Students and Non-gifted Students in Elementary School  

Kim, Hyeon Jeong (Daegu Maegok Elementary School)
Ryu, Sung Rim (Department of Mathematics, Daegu National University of Education)
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Education of Primary School Mathematics / v.17, no.1, 2014 , pp. 17-40 More about this Journal
To improve elementary mathematics education teaching and learning method and environment, the survey of elementary school students' attitude toward mathematics and their images on mathematician was conducted to mathematically gifted students and non-gifted students of 6th grade of elementary school. The study results show that mathematically gifted elementary students have deeper understanding of mathematician and their works than non-gifted students. But they are not enthusiastic to be a mathematician. On average, awareness of domestic mathematician is turned to be significantly low. And most students don't know well of mathematician. Since this study was applied to the limited range of objects, significant results were not shown in external and internal image of mathematician. Thus, the future study needs to generalize the study results by compensating this defect and developing various materials to improve students' attitude toward mathematics and images of mathematician.
mathematically gifted elementary students; image of mathematician;
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