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An Assurance Mechanism of Intrusion Data for Making Digital Evidence in Digital Computing Environment  

Jang, Eun-Gyeom (대전대학교 컴퓨터공학과, (주)엠투엠코리아 연구소)
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Journal of Internet Computing and Services / v.11, no.4, 2010 , pp. 129-141 More about this Journal
In digital computing environment, for the mal functions in appliances and system errors, the unaccepted intrusion should be occurred. The evidence collecting technology uses the system which was damaged by intruders and that system is used as evidence materials in the court of justice. However the collected evidences are easily modified and damaged in the gathering evidence process, the evidence analysis process and in the court. That’s why we have to prove the evidence’s integrity to be valuably used in the court. In this paper, we propose a mechanism for securing the reliability and the integrity of digital evidence that can properly support the Computer Forensics. The proposed mechanism shares and manages the digital evidence through mutual authenticating the damaged system, evidence collecting system, evidence managing system and the court(TTP: Trusted Third Party) and provides a secure access control model to establish the secure evidence management policy which assures that the collected evidence has the corresponded legal effect.
Computer Forensics; integrity; Authentication; Security Model;
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  • Reference
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