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Governance, Firm Internationalization, and Stock Liquidity Among Selected Emerging Economies from Asia  

HUSSAIN, Waleed (Department of Commerce, Faculty of Management Sciences, University of Kotli)
KHAN, Muhammad Asif (Department of Commerce, Faculty of Management Sciences, University of Kotli)
GEMICI, Eray (Department of Business Administration, Gaziantep University)
OLAH, Judit (Faculty of Economics and Business, Institute of Applied Informatics and Logistics, University of Debrecen, College of Business and Economics, University of Johannesburg)
Publication Information
The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business / v.8, no.9, 2021 , pp. 287-300 More about this Journal
The study is conducted to find out the impact of the country- and corporate-level governance and firm internationalization on stock liquidity of 120 listed firms in Japan, Hong Kong, Pakistan, and India. Panel data is used in the current study. The annual time span covered in the current study is 10 years. The current study explores results based on secondary data. The findings of the 'robust panel corrected standard error' estimator shows that the internationalization strategy of firms positively influences the stock liquidity. The internationalization strategy of multinational corporations proves to be an effective methodology for improving stock liquidity in the home market as well as abroad. The study also shows that a stronger relationship exists between stock liquidity and internationalization in those countries where the regulatory settings are effective, the judiciary system is efficient and shareholders' rights are protected. Corporate governance and stock liquidity are negatively associated. The study also finds a negative relationship between country-level governance mechanisms and stock liquidity. Whereas the 'robust panel corrected error' estimator shows a positive association between corporate governance mechanisms and firm internationalization. The study depicts that effective corporate governance motivates multinational companies to expand their business abroad.
Firm-Level Governance; Country-Level Governance; Firm Internationalization; Stock Liquidity;
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