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Demographic Characteristics and Small Business Success: Evidence from Indonesia  

CHANIAGO, Harmon (Department of Business Administration, Politeknik Negeri Bandung)
Publication Information
The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business / v.8, no.12, 2021 , pp. 399-409 More about this Journal
The demographic characteristics of a leader are important for small businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic. Several researchers have proven that demographic characteristics affect business success. Unfortunately, business success has only been analyzed from a financial perspective and has not been compared to the owner's interests perspective. This study examines business success from both perspectives. This study aims to analyze the demographic characteristics of small entrepreneurs and their impact on business success. Demographics consist of age, experience, education, and gender. Meanwhile, business success is seen from two perspectives: financial performance and the owner's interest. The study used an explanatory survey method. The number of samples is 155 entrepreneurs who are also the leaders of their businesses. The research was conducted in Bandung City, Indonesia, in 2021. The data was processed using descriptive statistics and multiple regression. The study results found that age only affects financial performance. Experience is proven to affect financial performance and the interests of the owner. Gender only affects the interests of the owner. This study concludes that in difficult times such as the COVID-19 pandemic, having young leaders who are experienced will make it easier to achieve business success.
Age; Experience; Gender; Financial Performance; Owner's Interest;
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