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A Study of Wang Lun (王綸)'s Assertion on Ginseng and Astragali Radix and Its Related Arguments  

Eun, Seok-Min (Dept. of Korean Medical Classics & History, College of Korean Medicine, Woo-Suk University)
Publication Information
The Journal of Korean Medical History / v.28, no.2, 2015 , pp. 47-58 More about this Journal
Objectives : The purpose of this study was to investigate Wang Lun (王綸)'s assertion on Ginseng and Astragali Radix and its related arguments that had shown critical or advocative point of views about Wang lun's theory. It was expected that this study would help understand the history of arguments on the usage of Ginseng and Astragali Radix that had been triggered by Wang lun's assertion. Methods : In the process of investigation, this study first looked into the assertions of Wang Lun and the representative arguments about it, which includes Yu Tuan, Wang Ji (汪機), Sun Yikui (孫一奎). And secondly, this study also examined the other following additional arguments that had shown the conclusional aspects of this disputes. Results & Conclusions : Wang Lun (王綸)'s assertion on Ginseng and Astragali Radix proclaimed that in the symptoms of fevers in lung or lack of blood (血) the use of Ginseng and Astragali Radix must be prohibited. This assertion later faced severe criticism by opposers like Yu Tuan, Wang Ji. These opposers asserted that Yang (陽) has the ability of creating Yin (陰), and Ginseng and Astragali Radix could be the right drugs to the symptoms by lack of Yin. But a few approvers like Sun Yikui (孫一奎) had tried to advocate Wang Lun's assertion and casted the question of true meaning of Wang Lun. And In the other following arguments, it could be said that the influence of Wang Lun's assertion had gradually waned but could have been reciprocally accepted in the opposite point of view.
Wang Lun (王綸); Ginseng (人參); Astragali Radix;
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