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Relation between oral health knowledge and behavior and treatment satisfaction in orthodontic patients  

Go, Eun-Jeong (Department of Dental Hygiene, Health College)
Publication Information
Journal of Korean Clinical Health Science / v.9, no.2, 2021 , pp. 1486-1492 More about this Journal
Purpose: By investigating oral health knowledge and oral health behavior of orthodontic patients, we intend to identify factors that affect their satisfaction with orthodontic treatment and use them as fundamental data for improving the satisfaction of orthodontic patients. Methods: Busan from February 1st to March 31st, 2021. Dental disease in Gyeongsangnam-do. A self-contained survey was conducted on patients undergoing orthodontic treatment in the clinic. A total of 185 copies were analyzed. Using the lBM SPSS Statistics 21 program, multiple regression analysis was conducted by setting oral health knowledge and oral health behavior as independent variables to determine factors affecting remedial treatment satisfaction. Results: The satisfaction level of orthodontic treatment was 1.53 points higher than 'understanding the cost of orthodontic treatment' and 'smooth relationship with related staff while receiving orthodontic treatment' was low at 1.23. The average calibration satisfaction was 1.34. Factors affecting remedial treatment satisfaction were shown in the order of oral health behavior (p<0.000), educational experience (p<0.010), gender (p<0.015) and oral health knowledge (p<0.020). Conclusions: Through the above results, it is necessary to develop programs to improve oral health knowledge through customized individual oral health education by enhancing individual oral health behaviors of individuals.
Orthodontics; Oral health behavior; Oral health knowledge; Satisfaction of Orthodontics treatment;
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