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The factors affecting turnover intention of dental hygienists  

Ryu, Hae-Gyum (Department of Dental Hygiene, Masan University)
Kim, Ju-Yeob (Raon Dental Hospital)
Park, Bin-Jeong (Department of Dental Hygiene, Masan University)
Publication Information
Journal of Korean Clinical Health Science / v.8, no.2, 2020 , pp. 1408-1416 More about this Journal
Purpose; The purpose of this study was to identify the factors affecting turnover intention of dental hygienists and to find ways to prevent turnover in advance. Methods: The subjects of this study were dental hygienists working in dental hospitals in Busan and Gyeongnam. from 1 July 2019 to 30 August 2019 a number of total 203. The structured questionnaire was surveyed and analyzed by self- entry. The collected data were analyzed using an IBM SPSS ver. 20.0. Results: Night work 'none' and 'at least twice a week' was higher a job grievance(p<0.001), The work environment(p<0.001), job congnition(p<0.001), duty satisfaction(p<0.05) and external environment(p<0.001) of 'none' and 'once a week' was higher. The number of patient of 'less then 40' and 'over 80 groups' was high a job grievances(p<0.001). '60-79 groups' was higher a work environment(p<0.05), '40-59 groups' and 60-79 groups' was higher a job congnition(p<0.001), duty satisfaction(p<0.001), and external environment(p<0.001), coworker relationship(p<0.05), were high in 'over 80 groups'. The factors affecting turnover intention was investigated a job congnition (β = -0.384), coworker relationship (β = -0.174), and job grievances (β = -0.172). the turnover intention was higher in ' lower the job congnition', 'lower job grievances', ' bad coworker relationship' Conclusions: In order to raise the job congnition of dental hygienists, it is necessary to have a legislative provision for the practical work of dental hygienists, a stable job security and pride in the job, a sense of achievement in the work. also that is necessary to have program development for communication of coworker.
Coworker Relationship; Job Congnition; Turnover Intention;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 4  (Citation Analysis)
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