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A Study on Concept Analysis of Loneliness  

Jung, Yun-kung (Department of Nursing, University of Gyeongnam Geochang)
Lee, Jeong-hwa (Department of Nursing, Kyungwoon University)
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Journal of Korean Clinical Health Science / v.6, no.2, 2018 , pp. 1097-1105 More about this Journal
Purpose: Loneliness is an extremely subjective experience that is influenced by life experiences and circumstances. This study attempted to provide basic data for the development of nursing intervention strategies to understand the concept of loneliness and to reduce loneliness on various topics. Methods: The research analysis method is based on the framework of concept analysis proposed by Walker and Avant (1988). Results: The results of this study are as follows: 1) Self-alienation 2) Isolation of human beings 3) Psychological damage reaction 4) Pain 5) Loneliness is the loss of a comfortable "frame". The prerequisites can be divided into personal characteristics and situational characteristics. Empirical criteria include intimate others, lack of social relationships or problems, family and friendship, belonging, recognition or expression of loneliness, emotional state changes and changes in health behavior, and physical symptoms. Conclusions: Loneliness is an important indicator of well-being and a cause of physical and mental illnesses, so nurses facing various subjects should be able to recognize the signs and symptoms of loneliness. By promoting and sustaining their interest, they should be able to enjoy lonely people.
Concept analysis; Empirical criteria; Loneliness; Prerequisite;
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