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The Effects of Preclinical Objective Structured Clininal Examination(OSCE) on Knowledge, Nursing Students Confidence in Core Fundamental Nursing Skills and Self-Efficacy  

Son, Yu-Lim (Department of Nursing, Pohang University)
Park, Pil-Nam (Department of Nursing, Pohang University)
Ko, Soon-Hee (Department of Nursing, Pohang University)
Publication Information
Journal of Korean Clinical Health Science / v.5, no.2, 2017 , pp. 850-863 More about this Journal
Purpose. The purpose of this study was to investigate effects of preclinical OSCE(Objective Structured Clinical Evaluation) on knowledge, confidence in their Core fundamental nursing skills and self-efficacy in nursing students. Method. The research design was a one group pretest-posttest design and it was done to assess changes in knowledge, confidence in core fundamental nursing skills and self-efficacy from pre to the post-test which was given after the OSCE. Data were collected from March 5 to April 7, 2016 from 37 nursing students who were taking the 15-hours using OSCE learning module at one Gyeongbuk-do, P-city. This practicum was composed of 4 core fundamental nursing skills and 5 other fundamental nursing skills. The knowledge consisted of a 10-item by researchers and the confidence of core fundamental nursing skills consisted of an 9-item NRS and the self-efficacy consisted of a 17-item 5-point scale and measured in both the pretest and posttest. The collected data were analyzed with SPSS IBM 20.0 program for the frequency, percentage, x2-test, and paired t-test. Rusult. The results showed that although scores of knowledge of OSCE learning module were significanlty increased from 5.22 to 7.03(t=5.30, p<.001). There were significantly increased in scores of confidence in core fundamental nursing skills from 5.13 to 7.27(t=10.01, p<.001), In the sub-scales of each core fundamental nursing skills was scored the highest. otherwise, there was no significant difference in self-efficacy(t=1.42, p=.161). Conclusions. Based on the results, this study suggests that OSCE module development activities for nursing students in nursing education-learning in order to improve nursing skills.
Clinical examination; Core fundamental nursing; Self-Efficacy;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 10  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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