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A Study on the Long-term Senior Recuperation Insurance System which Recognizes the Elderly  

Lee, Kyung-Soo (Department of Health Medical Administration, GyeongNam Provincial Geochang College)
Jung, Yun-Kyung (Department of Nursing, GyeongNam Provincial Geochang College)
Publication Information
Journal of Korean Clinical Health Science / v.3, no.4, 2015 , pp. 444-455 More about this Journal
Purpose. This study was to suggest an appropriate understanding and attitude toward the long-term senior recuperation insurance through examining the perception of the aforementioned system from the viewpoint of the elderly population. Methods. This study was conducted on 150 participants who were aged 65 years and over in a nursing hospital, a senior citizen center and participating social welfare programs in Gyeong Gi area. Researchers visited a nursing hospital, a senior citizen center, and a senior welfare center to organize times before conducting questionnaires after interviewing individual elderly participants. Results. The results are as follows: The probability of the long-term senior recuperation insurance implementation is higher amongst the younger participants, those with average health status and where the system is recognized by neighbors, relatives and/or family. The largest group of participants show only a moderate interest in the long-term senior recuperation insurance. The attitude toward using the long-term senior recuperation insurance system in the future is undetermined due to lack of awareness. Conclusions. Although the long-term senior recuperation insurance system is for all citizens, it is important to provide the correct information to the target audience, the elderly, and raise the awareness of the system so that they have access to the necessary services.
Elderly; Long-term senior recuperation insurance system; Senior citizen center;
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