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Male Consumer's Perceptions of Fashion Brands' Advertising Investment and Brand Equity  

Kim, Tae Youn (Dept. of Fashion & Clothing, Seowon University)
Publication Information
Fashion & Textile Research Journal / v.22, no.2, 2020 , pp. 192-201 More about this Journal
This study examined the relationship between Korean male consumers' perceptions of marketing promotion investment such as advertising expenditure and celebrity endorsement are the brand equity elements. It also compared if there were differences on this research model and two groups that selected Korean or foreign country-of-brand-origin in fashion product purchasing. Online survey responses from 414 Korean men in their 20s-30s were analyzed using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and structural equation modeling analysis (SEM). Perceptions of advertising expenditures were found to be positively related to brand association in only the group that selected Korean country-of-brand-origin. The results showed a non-significant effect of perceptions for advertising expenditures on perceived product quality in both groups that selected Korean or foreign country-of-brand-origin. The results indicated that celebrity endorsement had a significant effect on brand association for the two male consumer groups. The results also demonstrated that the relationship of celebrity endorsement and perceived quality was significant in only a group that selected Korean country-of-brand-origin. The results also revealed that the effect of brand association and perceived product quality on brand preference was significant in both male consumer groups. This study has useful managerial implications for enhancing the effectiveness of investment in advertising activities.
marketing promotion investment; advertising expenditures; celebrity endorsement; Korean male consumer; brand equity;
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