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Comparison of Kinematic Variables of the Club Head, Golf Ball and Body Alignment according to Swing Plane during Golf Driver Swing  

Young-Tae, Lim (College of Biomedical & Health Science, Golf Industry Major, Konkuk University)
Moon-Seok, Kwon (Sports Convergence Institute, Konkuk University)
Jae-Woo, Lee (Department of Sports Science, Graduate School of Konkuk University)
Publication Information
Korean Journal of Applied Biomechanics / v.32, no.4, 2022 , pp. 147-152 More about this Journal
Objective: The purpose of this study was to analyze the effects of club head and golf ball kinematics and body alignment according to the swing plane during golf driver swing. Method: Sixteen college golfers participated in this study. Kinematic data of the club head and golf ball were collected using golf swing analysis system (Trackman Ver. 3e). The body alignment variables were collected using 8 motion capture system. An Independent samples t-test was used for comparison between the Out-to-In group and In-to-Out group, and the statistical significance level was set at .05. Results: For the club head related variables, club path and club face angle showed higher values in Out-to-In swing plane than In-to-Out swing plane. For the kinematic variables of the golf ball, the total distance showed a higher value in the In-to-Out swing plane than that of the Out-to-In swing plane. For the body alignment, the In-to-Out swing plane showed higher values than the Out-to-In swing plane for the pelvis rotation angle and trunk rotation angle. Conclusion: This study suggest that it would be more effective to use the In-to-Out swing plane for increasing the total distance during the golf driver swing.
Golf driver swing; Swing plane; Body alignment; Kinematic variables;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 3  (Citation Analysis)
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