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The Effects on Kinematics and Joint Coordination of Ankle and MTP Joint as Bending Stiffness Increase of Shoes during Running  

Kim, Sungmin (Department of Physical Education, Korea National University of Education)
Moon, Jeheon (Department of Physical Education, Korea National University of Education)
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Korean Journal of Applied Biomechanics / v.31, no.3, 2021 , pp. 205-213 More about this Journal
Objective: The aim of this study was to analyze body stability Joint coordination pattern though as bending stiffness of shoes during stance phase of running. Method: 47 male subjects (Age: 26.33 ± 2.11 years, Height: 177.32 ± 4.31 cm, Weight: 65.8 ± 3.87 kg) participated in this study. All subjects tested wearing the same type of running shoes by classifying bending stiffness (A shoes: 3.2~4.1 N, B shoes: 9.25~10.53 N, C shoes: 20.22~21.59 N). They ran 10 m at 3.3 m/s (SD ±3%) speed, and the speed was monitored by installing a speedometer at 3 m intervals between force plate, and the measured data were analyzed five times. During running, ankle joint, MTP joint, coupling angle, inclination angle (anterior-posterior, medial-lateral) was collected and analyzed. Vector coding methods were used to calculate vector angle of 2 joint couples during running: MTP-Ankle joint frontal plane. All analyses were performed with SPSS 21.0 and for repeated measured ANOVA and Post-hoc was Bonferroni. Results: Results indicated that there was an interaction between three shoes and phases for MTP (Metatarsalphalangeal) joint angle (p = .045), the phases in the three shoes showed difference with heel strike~impact peak (p1) (p = .000), impact peak~active peak (p2) (p = .002), from active peak to half the distance to take-off until take-off (p4) (p = .032) except for active peak~from active peak to half the distance to take-off (p3) (p = .155). ML IA (medial-lateral inclination angle) for C shoes was increased than other shoes. The coupling angle of ankle angle and MTP joint showed that there was significantly difference of p2 (p = .005), p4 (p = .045), and the characteristics of C shoes were that single-joint pattern (ankle-phase, MTP-phase) was shown in each phase. Conclusion: In conclusion, by wearing high bending stiffness shoes, their body instability was increased during running.
Shoes bending stiffness; Inclination angle; Joint coordination; Running;
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Times Cited By KSCI : 2  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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