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Vertical Stiffness and Lower Limb Kinematic Characteristics of Children with Down Syndrome during Drop Landing  

Koo, Dohoon (Department of Physical Education, Seoul National University)
Maeng, Hyokju (Department of Kinesiology and Health, Georgia State University)
Yang, Jonghyun (Department of Physical Education, Incheon National University)
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Korean Journal of Applied Biomechanics / v.29, no.3, 2019 , pp. 137-143 More about this Journal
Objective: Ligament laxity and hypotonia are characteristics of Down syndrome patients. The aim of this study was to compare the landing pattern between Down syndrome patients and typically developing subjects. To compare the landing pattern, variables related to ligament laxity and hypotonia i.e. vertical stiffness and lower extremities kinematics were investigated. Method: Five subjects with Down syndrome (age: $14.6{\pm}1.8years$, mass: $47.6{\pm}6.94kg$, height: $147.9{\pm}6.0cm$) and six able-bodied subjects (age: $13.2{\pm}0.4years$, mass: $54.7{\pm}6.7kg$, height: $160.1{\pm}9.8cm$) participated in this study. Results: The vertical displacement of the center of mass, vertical reaction force, leg stiffness and range of ankle angle range among Down syndrome patients were significantly different than typically developing group. The youth with Down's syndrome appeared to receive greater vertical impact force at landing than normal youth. Conclusion: The differences in the biomechanical characteristics suggest the delay in motor development among Down syndrome patients and an increased risk of injury to the lower extremity during movement execution such as drop landing.
Down syndrome; Drop landing; Vertical stiffness;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 2  (Citation Analysis)
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