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Analysis on Biomechanical Differences in Lower Limbs Caused by Increasing Heart Rates During Drop-landing  

Hong, Wan-Ki (Department of Physical Education, College of Physical Education, Chosun University)
Kim, Do-Eun (Department of Physical Education, Graduate School of Chosun University)
Publication Information
Korean Journal of Applied Biomechanics / v.25, no.2, 2015 , pp. 141-147 More about this Journal
Objective : This study aimed to understand how increased heart rates at the time of drop landing during a step test would affect biomechanical variables of the lower extremity limbs. Background : Ballet performers do more than 200 landings in a daily training. This training raises the heart rate and the fatigability of the lower extremity limbs. Ballet performance high heart rate can trigger lower extremity limb injury. Method : We instructed eight female ballet dancers with no instability in their ankle joints(mean ${\pm}$ SD: age, $20.7{\pm}0.7yr$; body mass index, $19.5{\pm}1.2kg/m^2$, career duration, $8.7{\pm}2.0yr$) to perform the drop landing under the following conditions: rest, 60% heart rate reserve (HRR) and 80% HRR. Results : First, the study confirmed that the increased heart rates of the female ballet dancers did not affect the working ranges of the knee joints during drop landing but only increased angular speeds, which was considered a negative shock-absorption strategy. Second, 80% HRR, which was increased through the step tests, led to severe fatigue among the female ballet dancers, which made them unable to perform a lower extremity limb-neutral position. Hence, their drop landing was unstable, with increased introversion and extroversion moments. Third, we observed that the increasing 80% HRR failed to help the dancers effectively control ground reaction forces but improved the muscular activities of the rectus femoris and vastus medialis oblique muscles. Fourth, the increasing heart rates were positively related to the muscular activities of the vastus medialis oblique and rectus femoris muscles, and the extroversion and introversion moments. Conclusion/Application : Our results prove that increased HRR during a step test negatively affects the biomechanical variables of the lower extremity limbs at the time of drop landing.
drop landing; heart rate; kinetic analysis; EMG; Ballet;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 3  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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