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Effect of Pilates Reformer Training on Gait Improvement of Subjects with Asymmetric Pelvic Rotation  

Moon, Ok-Kon (Department of Physical Therapy, Kunjang University College)
Han, Song-E (Department of Physical Therapy, Bonesarang Orthopedic Clinic)
Publication Information
Korean Journal of Applied Biomechanics / v.23, no.3, 2013 , pp. 271-278 More about this Journal
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of Pilates Reformer training on gait improvement of subjects with asymmetric pelvic rotation. The seven subjects with greater pelvic rotation in right swing were assessed twice, 4 weeks apart, during which there was submitted to a Pilates Reformer training (three 40 min session per week). The kinematic data consisted of pelvic rotation and flexion angle of hip and knee joint was measured during gait. In comparison between both leg swings, max, min and range values of pelvic rotation was not significantly difference. After training, range of pelvic rotation in right swing was significantly decreased, but in left swing was not. In comparison between both leg swings, the values of max of hip and knee joint angle was significantly difference. After training, max values of angle of knee joint in right swing was significantly increased, but in left swing was not. The result of this study revealed that Pilates Reformer training was effective in improving gait to symmetric pelvic rotation.
Pilates Reformer Training; Gait; Pelvic Rotation;
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Times Cited By KSCI : 2  (Citation Analysis)
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