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The Kinematic Analysis of Upper Extremities for Badminton Smash and Drop Motions depends on the Player's Level  

Jo, A-Ra (Department of Physical Education, Graduate School of Korea National Sport University)
Yoo, Si-Hyun (Department of Physical Education, Graduate School of Korea National Sport University)
Yoon, Suk-Hoon (Department of Community Sport, College of Lifetime Sport of Korea National Sport University)
Publication Information
Korean Journal of Applied Biomechanics / v.23, no.3, 2013 , pp. 201-208 More about this Journal
The aim of this study was to investigate badminton smash and drop motion depends on player's level. To perform this study, ten male badminton players were participated: five skilled players (SG, age: $21.6{\pm}1.1$ yrs, height: $181.4{\pm}6.8$ cm, body mass: $72.4{\pm}5.7$ kg, career: $11.2{\pm}1.1$ yrs) and five less-skilled players (LSG, age: $21.2{\pm}1.1$ yrs, height: $180.2{\pm}5.6$ cm, body mass: $73.6{\pm}6.7$ kg, career: $10.6{\pm}0.9$ yrs). Three-dimensional motion analysis with 7 infrared cameras was performed with a sampling frequency as 200 Hz. Player's swing motion was divided into four events: starting motion (E1), backswing (E2), impact (E3), following (E4). For all upper joints, LSG showed greater angle differences between drop and smash motions than that of SG at E3 (p<.05). For all upper joints, greater angular velocities were found in SG than that of LSG. For both groups, significantly smaller angular velocities were found in drop motion than that of smash motion (p<.05). The greater sequential angular velocities (proximal to distal) were found in SG than LSG during smash motion. Based on our findings, performing the same motion between drop and smash would be related to enhance performance at badminton competition. It is expected that these results will be useful in developing a training program for enhancing performance of badminton athletes.
Badminton; Kinematic Analysis; Drop; Smash;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 5  (Citation Analysis)
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