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Perception of sentences varying with prosody pattern, sound intensity, and signal-to-noise ratio  

Chang, Son-A (우송대학교)
Jang, Eunjoo (우송대학교 보건복지대학원 언어청각재활전공)
Jang, Jaejin (우송대학교 보건복지대학원 언어청각재활전공)
Publication Information
Phonetics and Speech Sciences / v.9, no.2, 2017 , pp. 119-124 More about this Journal
This study investigates how perception of easy sentences varies with prosody pattern, sound intensity, and signal-to-noise ratio(SNR) in young adults with normal hearing who were in their 20's. The results showed that the presence of proper prosody pattern in the sentences increased correct perception rate of the target sentences, and that the lower the intensity and SNR, the lower the sentence perception scores. The results also showed that SNR had a greater effect on the sentence perception scores than sound intensity. There was a significant decrease of perception scores starting at the level of 15 dB and +3 SNR for the sentences with prosody pattern, while starting at the level of 18 dB and +6 SNR for the sentences without prosody pattern, ending up with a very poor perception score as sound intensity and SNR gets lower. There was a significant difference in the perception score of the sentences with prosody pattern between 20 year-old group and 21 year or older group in several listening conditions of sound intensity and SNR.
sentence perception; prosody; sound intensity; signal-to-noise ratio(SNR);
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Times Cited By KSCI : 1  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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