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Comparison of Voice Characteristics Before and After High-Caffeine Intake  

Lee, Areum (명지대학교)
Kim, Eunyun (명지대학교)
Yoo, Hyunji (명지대학교)
Choi, Yaelin (명지대학교)
Publication Information
Phonetics and Speech Sciences / v.7, no.4, 2015 , pp. 59-65 More about this Journal
This study was conducted to identify the differences in voice characteristic variables before and after taking a certain amount of high-caffeine. Linear PCM-M10 Recorder (SONY) was used for the recorder and basic frequency of the voice (Fo), frequency fluctuation rate (jitter), amplitude fluctuation rate (shimmer) and Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) were measured using TF-32(University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA). First, prolonged phonation analysis results of /ah/ by male subjects showed the shimmer values after taking high-caffeine increased statistically significantly(p<.05) compared with before the intake and SNR values significantly decreased. (p<.05). On the other hand, female subjects didn't show any statistically significant differences in all variables. Second, male subjects showed statistically significant increased shimmer values after the intake compared with before the intake at /ah/ of syllable 'na' and /ah/ in 'ra' in 'autumn' paragraph (p<.05), and jitter values significantly increased at /ah/ in 'ah' (p<.05). However, female subjects didn't show any statistically significant differences in all variables. Results of this study showed that high-caffeine intake more affects male subjects than female subjects. In male subjects, shimmer and SNR changed at vowel prolonged phonation, /ah/, and study results showed that shimmer and SNR in 'Autumn' paragraph /na/, /ra/ and jitter in /ah/ could be identified as the variables to show the voice change.
Fo; jitter; shimmer; SNR; high-caffeine; TF-32;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 3  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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