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Phonological variability with consonant inventory size in late-talkers and normal children  

Kim, Hyejin (단국대학교 특수교육대학원 언어치료전공)
Lee, Ran (단국대학교 대학원 언어병리학과)
Lee, Eunju (단국대학교 특수교육과)
Publication Information
Phonetics and Speech Sciences / v.7, no.3, 2015 , pp. 175-181 More about this Journal
This study aims to compare the differences between 'consonant inventory size' and 'phonological variability' in order to examine the phonological development and characteristics of the late-talkers and typically developing expressive language agematched children and to consider the correlations between them. The study participants included fifteen late-talkers and fifteen typically developing expressive language age-matched children(TED group). The results are as follows. First, as regards consonant inventory size, there was a significant difference between late-talkers and TED group. The late-talkers' consonant inventory size was less than TED group. Second, as regards phonological variability, there was a significant difference between late-talkers and TED group. The late-talkers' phonological variability was higher than TED group. Third, in the case of late-talkers, there was no significant correlation between consonant inventory size and phonological variability; however in the case of TED group, there was a significant negative correlation between consonant inventory size and phonological variability. Therefore, phonological ability should be considered in evaluation and intervention of late-talkers.
Late-talker; Consonant Inventory; Phonological Variability;
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  • Reference
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