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Analysis of Important of Port Selection Factors to Attract Shippers for Mokpo New Port  

Son, Yoomi (목포해양대학교 해상운송시스템학과)
Kim, Jihyun (목포해양대학교 해상운송시스템학과 )
Lee, Kyongseok (목포해양대학교 해상운송시스템학과)
Kim, Hwayoung (목포해양대학교 해상운송학부 )
Publication Information
Journal of Korea Port Economic Association / v.38, no.4, 2022 , pp. 199-214 More about this Journal
A relative important analysis was conducted to determine what factors are required for port selection in Mokpo New Port and what needs to be addressed first in order to expand automobile and steel cargo handling. The port selection factors of Mokpo New Port were classified into 4 major and 13 intermediate categories, and AHP analysis was used. As a result, items such as 'port facilities', 'accessibility to international ports', 'port facility usage fees', and 'connectivity with neighboring cities/ports' were evaluated as important. The respondent groups were divided into shipowner and shipper, port operator and stevedore, and public official, and an analysis of variance (ANOVA) was conducted to verify if there was a difference in perception between the groups. As a result, shipowner and shipper, port operator and stevedore were similar, but there was a difference from public official group. Shipowner and shipper, port operator and stevedore with similar response characteristics were classified into the 'port practitioner' group, and public official were classified into the 'port policy maker' group, and the difference in perception between the group was tested. Therefore, there were differences in some major category items, and even in the intermediate category items such as 'possession of adjacent hinterland industrial complex', 'cargo equipment', '24-hour port operation', 'inland transportation cost', 'accessibility to international ports', 'marketing and incentives' with statistical. In other words, the 'port practitioner' group evaluated items that can increase cargo creation and handling productivity as important whereas the 'port policy maker' group considers port development and policies such as port infrastructure, connectivity with other ports, and incentive support items are more important.
Port Selection Factors; AHP; Mokpo New Port; ANOVA; t-test;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 1  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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