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A Study on the Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic on Korea's Commodity Trade  

Ahn, Tae-Kun (부경대학교 경영대학 국제통상학부)
Publication Information
Journal of Korea Port Economic Association / v.38, no.4, 2022 , pp. 187-198 More about this Journal
This study attempted to examine whether the spread of infectious diseases and quarantine measures such as border blockade and restrictions on movement due to the global spread of the COVID-19 pandemic is the cause of a decrease in product trade. To this end, a gravity model analysis was conducted using commodity trade statistics from Korea and major trading partners. As a result of the analysis, it was empirically confirmed that in 2020, the time of the spread of COVID-19, the influence of the COVID-19 pandemic was an obstacle to reducing Korea's trade. However, in the case of 2021, it was not possible to confirm whether the impact of the pandemic had a significant effect on commodity trade. As the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 and 2021 is different, the commodity trade situation in 2022 when the COVID-19 epidemic is stably managed is also likely to change. Since factors such as response to COVID-19 and the spread of vaccines vary from country to country, it is thought that such various factors should be fully considered in the process of establishing policies to end the COVID-19 era
Gravity model; Commodity Trade; Pandemic; Covid-19;
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  • Reference
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