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Comparison of the Perceptions between Domestic Freight Forwarder and Consigned Vehicle Owners  

Park, Doo-Jin (동명대학교 항만물류시스템학과 )
Kim, Jung-Yee (동명대학교 항만물류시스템학과)
Lee, Won-Dong (장안대학교 물류경영과 )
Publication Information
Journal of Korea Port Economic Association / v.38, no.4, 2022 , pp. 119-137 More about this Journal
This paper aims to confirm the necessity of the consignment system in Korea's trucking market for the purpose of analyzing the difference in perception between the transportation company and the consignment owner to provide a basis for continuous development of the cargo transportation business. A survey was conducted on the current status of the domestic transportation market with transportation companies and consignment owners, and the perceptions between the two were compared and analyzed. Overall, satisfaction with the consignment system was in the order of transportation companies handling supplies, transportation companies that did not pay supplies, consignment owners belonging to supply companies, and consignment orders belonging to non-volume companies. Similar results were obtained in individual questions. In order for transport companies and consignment owners to coexist and develop in the freight car transport market, it will be necessary to prepare a strategy to increase the satisfaction of consignment owners belonging to transport companies that do not handle relatively low-satisfaction.
Freight Forwarder; Consignment System; Consigned Vehicle Owners; Difference in Perception; Improvement Plan;
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  • Reference
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