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An Empirical Study on the Effect of Logistics Firm's Innovation Activities on Business Performance  

Cho, Yong-hyun (서원대학교 경영학부 무역학전공)
Publication Information
Journal of Korea Port Economic Association / v.34, no.3, 2018 , pp. 75-92 More about this Journal
The purpose of this study is to analyze whether innovation activities of logistics firms affect innovation performance and service quality improvement and whether innovation performance and service quality as a result of innovation activities affect these firm's business performance. First, I undertake a review of previous studies and theories related to innovation activity and innovation performance. Additionally, previous studies on improvement of service quality along through innovation performance were analyzed. Based on this, I set up a research structure and hypotheses. To this end, I used the workplace panel survey data of the Korea Labor Institute(KLI) and used a total of 88 samples. I use the Partial Least Square(PLS) approach to structural equation modeling. The results of the empirical analysis show that innovation activities of logistics firms have a positive effect on innovation performance and service quality improvement, and innovation performance and service quality have a positive effect on financial performance. Evidently, innovation activities bring a clear competitive advantage to the logistics firms and improve their service quality. This implies the ability of logistics firms to survive amidst competition while getting a competitive edge.
Logistics firm; Innovation activity; Innovation performance; Service quality;
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