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A Study on the Judgement Criterion of Arrived Ship under Voyage Charterparty  

Han, Nakhyun (경남대학교 경상대학 무역학과)
Lee, Jaesung (일본 와세다대학 상학부)
Publication Information
Journal of Korea Port Economic Association / v.28, no.3, 2012 , pp. 167-192 More about this Journal
The purpose of the study aims to analyse the judgement criterion of arrived ship under voyage charterparty with the Merida Case. A ship is an arrived ship if she is in port and either able to proceed immediately to a berth or in such a position that she is at the immediate and effective disposition of the chaterparty. Identification of the specified destination-whether berth or port-impacts on the incidence of loss occasioned by delay in loading or discharging, when the delay is due to the place at which the vessel is obliged by the terms of the charterparty to load or discharge her cargo being occupied by other shipping. The Merida case is an appeal by the charterers from a final Arbitration award of two very experienced arbitrators, dated 20th April, 2009. The arbitrators held that a voyage charterparty, dated 5th February, 2007, of the vessel, The M/V Merida, entered into between charterers and the owners, was a port rather than a berth Charterparty. The Primary relevance of this distinction does to the allocation, as between owners and charterers, of the risk of delay caused by congestion at load and discharge ports. The question of law arising in this appeal is whether the arbitrators were right to conclude that the charterparty was a port and not a berth charterparty. The arbitrators additionary placed some reliance on a post-contractual e-mail from the agents, which suggested that charterers did not dispute the validity of the NOR-and, hence, that this was a port charterparty.
Voyage Charterparty; The Merida Case; Identification of Specific Destination; Arrived Ship; Port Charter; Berth Charter; NOR;
Citations & Related Records
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  • Reference
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