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Development of a Korean roadmap for technical issue resolution for fission product behavior during severe accidents  

Kim, Han-Chul (Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety)
Ha, Kwang Soon (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute)
Kim, Sung Joong (Department of Nuclear Engineering, Hanyang University)
Seo, Miro (Korea Hydro and Nuclear Power Central Research Institute)
Kang, Sang-Ho (KEPCO Engineering and Construction Company, Inc.)
Lee, Doo Yong (FNC Technology Co., Ltd, Institute of Future Energy Technology)
Song, Yong-Mann (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute)
Lee, Jongseong (Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety)
Im, Hee-Jung (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute)
Cho, Chang-Sok (KEPCO Nuclear Fuel)
Yeon, Jei-Won (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute)
Kim, Sung Il (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute)
Cho, Song-Won (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute)
Song, Jinho (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute)
Ryu, Yong-Ho (Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety)
Publication Information
Nuclear Engineering and Technology / v.49, no.8, 2017 , pp. 1575-1588 More about this Journal
In order to develop a domestic research roadmap for severe accidents, a special committee was established by the Korean Nuclear Society. One of the subcommittees discussed the characteristics and the relevant technical issues in the stages of fission product release and physical forms of radionuclide release and transport. The group members developed a tree to identify fission product release phenomena by tracing failures of individual defense-in-depth barriers and added possible countermeasures against failure. For each elemental issue, they searched for technical problems by examining the phenomena, accident management actions, and regulatory aspects relevant to the mitigation features for containment, including mitigation strategies against containment bypass accidents. Regulatory concerns, including the source term and the acceptance criteria for radionuclide release, were also considered. They identified further research needs regarding important technical issues based on the degree of the current knowledge level in Korea and in foreign countries, looking at the significance and urgency of issues and the expected research period required to reach an advanced level of knowledge. As a result, the group identified the 12 most important and urgent issues, most of which were expected to require mid-term and long-term research periods.
Countermeasure System; Fission Technical Issue; Product Release; Research Need; Roadmap; Severe Accident Phenomena;
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  • Reference
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