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Semantic Modeling for SNPs Associated with Ethnic Disparities in HapMap Samples  

Kim, HyoYoung (Department of Agricultural Biotechnology, Seoul National University)
Yoo, Won Gi (Codes Division, Insilicogen, Inc.)
Park, Junhyung (Codes Division, Insilicogen, Inc.)
Kim, Heebal (Department of Agricultural Biotechnology, Seoul National University)
Kang, Byeong-Chul (Codes Division, Insilicogen, Inc.)
Single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) have been emerging out of the efforts to research human diseases and ethnic disparities. A semantic network is needed for in-depth understanding of the impacts of SNPs, because phenotypes are modulated by complex networks, including biochemical and physiological pathways. We identified ethnicity-specific SNPs by eliminating overlapped SNPs from HapMap samples, and the ethnicity-specific SNPs were mapped to the UCSC RefGene lists. Ethnicity-specific genes were identified as follows: 22 genes in the USA (CEU) individuals, 25 genes in the Japanese (JPT) individuals, and 332 genes in the African (YRI) individuals. To analyze the biologically functional implications for ethnicity-specific SNPs, we focused on constructing a semantic network model. Entities for the network represented by "Gene," "Pathway," "Disease," "Chemical," "Drug," "ClinicalTrials," "SNP," and relationships between entity-entity were obtained through curation. Our semantic modeling for ethnicity-specific SNPs showed interesting results in the three categories, including three diseases ("AIDS-associated nephropathy," "Hypertension," and "Pelvic infection"), one drug ("Methylphenidate"), and five pathways ("Hemostasis," "Systemic lupus erythematosus," "Prostate cancer," "Hepatitis C virus," and "Rheumatoid arthritis"). We found ethnicity-specific genes using the semantic modeling, and the majority of our findings was consistent with the previous studies - that an understanding of genetic variability explained ethnicity-specific disparities.
ethnic groups; HapMap Project; modeling; semantic; single nucleotide polymorphism;
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Times Cited By KSCI : 1  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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