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MitGEN: Single Nucleotide Polymorphism DB Browser for Human Mitochondrial Genome  

Park, Hyun Seok (Institute of Bioinformatics, Macrogen Inc., Department of Computer Science, Ewha Womans University)
Lee, Seung Uk (Institute of Bioinformatics, Macrogen Inc.)
Recently completed mitochondrial genome databses from public resources provide us with a better understanding of individual mitochondrial genomes for population genomics. By determining the substitution rate of the genomic sequences, it is plausible to derive dates on the phylogenetic tree and build a chronology of events in the evolution of human species. MitGEN is specially designed as a mitochondrial genome browser for analyzing, comparing and visualizing single nucleotide polymorphism for human mitochondrial genomes between human races for comparative genomics. It is a standalone application and is available free for non-commercial work.
visualization; mitochondrial genome; bioinformatics;
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